Welcome To The

College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences

News & Stories
UVA’s Coastal Seagrass Project Aims to Enter the Global Carbon Market
For decades, UVA has worked with its partners on the Eastern Shore to restore seagrass meadows to Virginia’s coast. The project has been so successful its managers are now expanding the project to fight climate change. And its impact may not stop there.
Science-Based Shower Routine Could Boost Creativity
After publishing a paper on the connection between taking a shower and creative problem solving, a University of Virginia cognitive scientist has partnered with a cosmetics company to develop a shower routine backed by research.
Your Summer A&S Reading List
A list of intriguing books, for readers of all ages, published recently by College faculty and alumni authors.
Examining the Future of Democracy in Israel
Sponsored by UVA’s Jewish Studies program, a public conversation featuring A&S faculty and New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman drew a standing-room-only crowd in Washington, D.C. last month.
Jefferson Scholars Foundation Awards 27 Graduate Fellowships
The fellows are selected based on their potential as scholars, teachers, public servants and business leaders.
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Undergraduate Summer Orientation
UVA Student Affairs 
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Notable Alumni
Notable alumni of the College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
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Summer 2024: McCormick Observatory Public Nights
Dept. of Astronomy
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Call to Action
A&S 2030: Four Priorities and Signal Intention
The pathway for UVA to become the best public university in the nation and one of the best universities anywhere in the world runs directly through the College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences.