Tyler Carter

A scholar and poet who has been teaching writing at the college level since 2004, Tyler J. Carter spent seven years living and working in China before arriving at UVA. His research in writing studies examines how different kinds of knowledge are transformed by cultural, linguistic and disciplinary boundaries.
His recent published work includes a contrastive historical account of writing and language studies, published in College English; a four-part podcast in collaboration with WTJU about the relationships between humans and deer; and a lyric essay about his early days living in China, published on Fence Steaming.
Carter received his MFA in literary arts from Brown University and his Ph.D. in rhetoric and composition from Purdue University. He also holds a certificate in second language studies from Purdue.
Carter is currently working on two projects, the first is a book-length essay about the phenomenon of foreignness, and the second is a comparative case study of writing program administration at Sino-foreign joint venture universities in China. The latter project is an on-going collaboration with his former colleagues at Duke Kunshan University. This academic year he will teach introductory and advanced writing courses.