
I was told by faculty or staff member that they received a positive result, but I have not heard from Employee Health. Should I send a co-worker notification?

To avoid the risk of sharing inaccurate information, we recommend waiting for the official secure email notification from Employee Health before sending a co-worker notification.  If you have not received the secure email notification, please check your spam folder or contact Employee Health.

What am I expected to do after being notified that a faculty or staff member has tested positive?
  1. Please keep in mind that this is a stressful time for not only the affected employee but for their coworkers as well. Please show compassion and support, and feel free to direct team members to FEAP as appropriate.
Do I need to do a daily health check?

Revised August 10

The HOOS Health Check app is now available in the Apple and Google Play stores. This easy-to-use tool will help members of the UVA community remain aware of their health and identify any possible COVID symptoms before they come to Grounds. HOOS Health Check will replace daily health attestations that UVA Health team members, researchers, and some other groups on Grounds have used this summer. 

What should I do if I feel sick or have to quarantine?
  • If at any point you begin to feel ill, please call Employee Health [434-924-2013] immediately. If you are home, do not come on Grounds; if you are on Grounds, please return home.
What should I do if student is sick?

If a student tells you that they are feeling ill:

Please ask them to stay home and contact Student Health, [434-924-5362; 434-297-4261 After Hours]. If they hesitate, kindly remind than that they agreed to do so in the social contract that they signed.

If a student tells you that they have to quarantine:

I am concerned about my internet connectivity; what are my options?

Faculty have several options if their internet connectivity at home is a concern. First, you should feel free to teach from your office on Grounds. Second, you can request a small classroom in which to conduct your online teaching. Finally, you may request a hotspot to improve connectivity at your home.


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