
Can I teach outdoors instead of in a classroom?

Updated August 13, 2020

Online Courses 

Online courses cannot have class in person and cannot hold class outdoors. They can host occasional in person meetings, office hours, etc, but cannot require attendance and must offer an alternative for remote students.  

In Person Courses 

If I want to teach in person, will that take place in the classroom I am currently assigned to?

No. While it is our intention to keep the current schedule (days and times) intact, all in-person courses will be assigned to new classrooms based on their new capacities incorporating social distancing measures.

What are faculty and student responsibilities for cleaning the space after class?

Classrooms will have disinfecting stations. Each station will include a spray bottle of disinfectant and multifold paper towels in a plastic container. The stations will be placed around each classroom to promote social distancing. Only rooms used for instruction will receive the centrally funded disinfecting stations. The custodial team responsible for each building will fill and service these stations.  Bottles will be refilled/replaced and multifold towels replenished as needed. 

How do I request a mobile hotspot?

Mobile hotspots are available for faculty or staff.  Please click on the link below to submit information for a mobile hotspot.



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