Michael Ashley Stein
Visiting Professor of Law
Harvard Law School
Keynote topic: “Disability Human Rights and the Politics of Inclusion”
Susan Schweik
Professor of English
University of California at Berkeley
Keynote topic: “Beside(s) Carrie Buck: Reproductive Justice and the Intellectual Disability Archive”
Monique Holt
American Sign Language storyteller
Pre-symposium performance (Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016, 7 p.m.)
Free and open to the public
Alice Sheppard, wheelchair dancer
Monique Holt, American Sign Language storyteller
7:00-8:00 pm: Performances
8:00 pm: Refreshments
Photo of Alice Sheppard at right by Britten Traughber.
Free parking is available in the evening at McLeod in the garage directly underneath the building. Take the elevator or stairs up to the first floor to the auditorium.
Accessibility: McLeod Hall is wheelchair accessible. Interpreters will translate American Sign Language into spoken English.
Symposium (Friday, Feb. 19, 2016)
Newcomb Hall Ballroom
Free and open to the public - no registration required
9:00 am: Coffee and bagels
9:30 am: Welcome: Dr. Marcus Martin, Vice President and Chief Officer for Diversity and Equity
9:45 am: “On Becoming Wise, in Goffman’s Sense,” Christopher Krentz, English and ASL
10:00 am: Keynote #1: “Disability Human Rights and the Politics of Inclusion,” Michael Ashley Stein, Harvard Law School
10:45 am: Coffee break
11:00 am: Panel I: Disability and Rights
- Farzaneh Milani, Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures, presiding
- “A Right to be Non-Disabled?” Elizabeth Barnes, Philosophy
- “Justice and Disability,” Shruta Swarup, Politics
- "Disability Rights in Latin America," Pamela Molina, Organization of American States
- Response: Jennifer Rubenstein, Politics
12 noon: Lunch (on your own)
1:30 pm: Panel II: Disability and the Human Life Cycle
- Francesca Fiorani, Art and Associate Dean of the College for Arts and Humanities, presiding
- “Principles and Prenatal Testing: Two Cases,” Lois Shepherd, Medicine and Law
- “Myths and Misconceptions about Autism,” Vikram Jaswal, Psychology
- “College for Students with Intellectual Disabilities: Why not?” William Therrien, Education
- “Bringing a Disability Lens to Three Contemporary Events,” Lakshmi Fjord, scholar in residence, Anthropology
2:30 pm: Panel III: Disability and the Arts
- Maurice Wallace, English and Woodson Institute, presiding
- Readings/comments/performances by
- Alice Sheppard, wheelchair dancer
- Paul Guest, English − Creative Writing
- Jeffery Renard Allen, English − Creative Writing
- Monique Holt, American Sign Language storyteller
3:30 pm: Coffee break
3:40 pm: Introduction of second keynoter by Anna Brickhouse, English and American Studies
3:45 pm: Keynote #2: “Beside(s) Carrie Buck: Reproductive Justice and the Intellectual Disability Archive,” Susan Schweik, Berkeley
4:30 pm: Closing reception in Kaleidoscope Room
Accessibility: Newcomb Hall is wheelchair accessible. All symposium events will be interpreted into American Sign Language. Hourly parking is available in the nearby Central Grounds Parking Garage.
Disability Studies Initiative
Office of the Dean of the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Institute of the Humanities and Global Cultures
Office of the Provost and Vice Provost for the Arts
Department of English
School of Law
American Sign Language Program
Department of Politics
Center for Biomedical Ethics and Humanities
Curry School Dept. of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education
Department of Anthropology
Disability Advocacy and Action Committee
Office of the Vice President and Chief Officer for Diversity and Equity