Awards & Recognition

A&S Service Award Recipients | 2023

Celebrating 10-30 years of service

The year 2023 is an important milestone for A&S staff celebrating their 10th, 15th, 25th or 30th year of service and dedication to the University and its students, and the College is proud to honor 32 staff members whose support and expertise are essential to making UVA and the College a leader in public education and research and a model academic community. “We are proud to be celebrating these important milestones with you. Your dedication and talent are truly exceptional," said Christa Acampora, dean of the College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences. "On our path to the great and the good university, you are our standard bearers."


10 Years

Sandra Kendrick | Slavic Languages & Literature

Susan Lane | Psychology

Erin O'Donnell | Undergrad College Operations

Lorenzo Perez | Communications

Laura Tocke | Biology

John Tolson | Institute of Advanced Studies in Culture

Mary Wigge | Editing Madison Papers

Junjing Zhao | Physics


15 Years

Sarah Arrington | English

Lana Boyle | Communications

Tina Knight | Music

Laura Mellusi | Art

Carol Price | Chemistry

Victoria Valdes | Art

Carrie Whitacre | Blandy Experimental Farm


20 Years

Cynthia Knight | Chemistry

Margot Miller | Environmental Sciences

Tally Sanford | Spanish, Italian & Portuguese

Nella Solodukhina | Biology

Stacey Trader | English


25 Years

Stacy Allen | Editing Wash Papers

Rebecca Anderson | Psychology

Dina Bai | Chemistry

Mildred Dean | Anthropology

Sharon Marsh | Dept of Politics

Johann Reinicke | Office of the Dean

Jennifer Via | Religious Studies


30 Years 

Lucy Anderson | Environmental Sciences

Morgan Davis | Psychology

Marcy Day | Music

Judy Masi | Blandy Experimental Farm